Career Sagacious

It’s been a full year since I retired from Patagonia.
With Covid warping up, little fanfare to honor my 35yrs. of disciplined dedication.
However, my Photo Dept threw a couple of Zoom cocktail parties, actually perfect for me, sweet, intimate, and better suited for my closeted shy nature.

This question was posed; what were my words of wisdom and insights, which I responded following the meeting in an email as I wanted to put some serious thought as to what I may pass along for all my experience:


It’s all about the relationship, and everyone’s responsibility to strive to keep our collective morale high.

I’ve secured licensing rights that were thought unattainable, by simply, and respectfully listening and giving someone my undivided attention. Sometimes people just want to be heard.
There is nothing more valuable than your time. I recognize it’s not easy with so much on your plate, but giving your time generously, undistracted, is a gift, one example that goes right to our Core Values of Integrity; Relationships built on integrity and respect.

Pride in my work by creating quality photo and cross-referencing files “as if I were to disappear”. How would someone else be able to find and apply, easily, what you are recording today. Quality; pursuit of ever-greater quality in everything we do. You are going to make mistakes. Or if a project is your responsibility, and someone else may have made the mistake, own it anyway. This is what leaders do. Also, don’t be afraid to admit you don’t know something, or when you are wrong. Letting down your guard can tear down walls.

Take advantage of the environmental programs and/or opportunities that are offered. You will learn so much, and all of it will be applicable to your job. Another Core Value; Serve as a catalyst for personal and corporate action. It will change your thinking, and life.

Protect the Chouinard family as well as the Brand. WWYS, WWMS (founding owners) is always in the back, or front, of my mind.
Read the employee manual. I had a lot of shitty jobs before coming to Patagonia; paid poverty wages, sexually harassed, scapegoated & thrown under the bus, all of which impacted my single working mother income. If you are lucky enough to work here, you are working at Camelot.
This campus is our second home, an extension of the Chouinard’s home, so take care of it. Don’t act like you live in a barn.

The people who work here are unlike no other. They will lift you through the bitter-sweetness of life, treasured lifelong friendships.
I wish everyone a long thriving career, especially with a #companywithaheart💙

My Photo Dept. pre-growth
Retirement Zoom